December 21, 2008

Enjoying the Christmas Season...

Grandson Nicholas visiting Santa

Realizing that I haven't posted since October ...I was thinking just how time has accelerated! WOW!!

I pray that this finds you all well and enjoy this wondrous time of year!

Christmas has always been my favorite holiday of all. It is the time that we celebrate the birth of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. In spite of what may be happening with the economy, jobs, issues within our country and worldwide...He is STILL on HIS throne! God hasn't forgotten us, nor is He moved or worried in anyway about these things. Why should we be? Now more than ever Christians are called to unity and to prayer! Prayer changes things!!!I am speaking from my heart...enough of the division in the Body of Christ!! We must come to unity and agreement with one another...and we all meet as Christians at the foot of the Cross of Jesus!!

We have really simplified our gift giving this is so freeing and liberating too!! No more going into debt for presents...this is wisdom! Just little things for our grown children...necessities and for our Grandson Nicholas...a few toys and clothes!

I have some clove and cinnamon sticks simmering on the stove, a hot cup of coffee with some eggnog creamer, lights are twinkling on the tree and candles are creating a soft glow in the family is good! Simple things...simple times. The kids are all helping out with the Christmas dinner. We have plenty of movies to watch and board games to play. The weather is calling for rain and cold it will be a day to cozy up and relax!!

I hope to post once again before Christmas...but if for some reason I am not able too....My prayer for you and your house is.. Joy overflowing, Peace that transcends all understanding and the Father's Love permeate your heart and the hearts of all your loved one's! God bless you!!

Merry Christmas~


Dawn said...

Happy Christmas to you, too!

Maggie Ann said...

Hi Mindy, I thinking of you tonight and wondering how you are. Time passes so quickly. I have to admit, I don't mind wishing the last 3 weeks of February would speed up. I'm ready for some milder weather...although I like cozy days at home too.