March 22, 2008

Easter Blessings to you and yours....

The heavy, ponderous stone that sealed Jesus in the confines of that rock-walled tomb, was but a pebble compared to the Rock of Ages inside.



Rhoda @ Southern Hospitality said...

Hi, Mindy, thank you for dropping me a note. I'm so glad you enjoy my blog, I love to share things.

Hope you and your family have a blessed Easter tomorrow!


Anonymous said...

Just wanted to wish you a wonderful and blessed Easter!
I am so glad that you are posting again~ Ü

Maggie Ann said...

Happy Easter dear Mindy...rejoicing with you in my heart!

Anonymous said...

That is a beautiful saying and ohh so true. Happy Easer and thanks for coming by.

La Tea Dah said...

May God bless you with a happy Easter day! He is our ROCK OF AGES!


Mary said...

Hi Mindy,
Thanks for your kind comments! I hope that this Easter day will bring you and your family health and blessings!

j said...

Praise the Lord, a pebble indeed!

Have a Blessed Resurrection Sunday!


DonnaB said...

Amen...lovely graphic and saying. I had never heard that one before!

Farmgirl Cyn said...

Hey Mindy! Hope that cold stuff is gone by now. We had a rough year of it here, too. But...God is bigger than colds! And Ephesians says we are seated with Christ, FAR above all principality, power, might and dominion and EVERY name that is named...and flu is a name. Colds are names. Poverty, disease, etc are all names. We just need to learn to take the authority He has so graciously given us!

Sharon said...

Hope you and your family had a wonderful and blesses Easter.......I will keep your mother in my prayers
Think Spring

Maggie Ann said...

Just stopping by to see you. I've missed you. How are you doing? I've got a headcold...sigh...but other than that, I'm working on the laundry and preparing the children's S.School lesson, and am about to get my cello out to practise. Just had a cup of herbal tea...just the perfect thing for this windy overcast April 1st. bye for now...take care. Hope you are all well. There are SO many 'bugs' going around this year.