April 13, 2008

Open Doors!

Hello my friends! Life continues to move forward with extraordinary speed it seems these days!!!

The Lord is presenting many open doors for me this season! I am so excited to share with you all that I have been asked to be a speaker at a woman's conference in our area! My relationship with the Lord has taken on a whole new luster....more than ever before!

It is amazing what He is doing in my life and the lives of my husband and children! Such growth for all of us....Praise the Lord!

I am busy with taking care of my home...studying also and working in my yard. Our daughter Amie, planted a garden this year. She planted tomatoes, okra, assorted peppers and herbs! She is so excited about it too! Hubby is especially excited about the okra!! He love it fried!!

We are all finally feeling better from the nasty virus from nearly a month ago...it was a very slow recovery time, but we took it day by day, and prayed for one another through the whole process!

I want to encourage each one of you ladies with this: Do not give up on what God has called you to do!! You may have sensed a call on your life...something that God placed in you that has just stirred in you year after year...knowing that this dream, idea or vision would come to pass, but yet not sure how it would...but having the faith in Him,. trusting Him with your life as it continues to unfold. This has been 20 years in the making and I'm just now stepping out in faith to what God has placed with in me. So stay focused on the Lord and He will give you the desires of your heart, after all it is Him and Him alone that placed them there to begin with!!

Enjoy the beginning of a new week...and as you do, I pray that your life takes on a new luster in the presence of the Lord!

Blessings to you all....talk to you soon!!!


Farmgirl Cyn said...

Mindy...What is it you will be teaching on? Isn't it amazing what the Lord has in store for us, if we will just wait on Him and His timing?

Susan P. said...

Oh Mindy, I am so excited for this new opportunity that the Lord has given you. You have been such a blessing to me through your wonderful testimony and I know that you will be a blessing to many other women, as well. If I was in your area I would be sitting in the front row! I have always loved the verse where it says how much the Lord loves us and how he wants to give us the desires of our heart. I am so very happy that he is giving you yours:o) With a grateful heart for your precious friendship, Susan P.

Farmgirl Cyn said...

Mindy...my e-mail is:

I would love to share with you! The Lord has had us in the book of Ephesians for nearly a year now. It is full of God's purpose for the church, and the authority He has given us, as we are seated in the heavenly places in Christ Jesus! If the church could get a hold of this, they would be weak and defenseless no more!
Blessings... and I am looking forward to hearing from you!

Farmgirl Cyn said...

Mindy...I sent you my e-mail long ago, but haven't heard anything from you. Hope all is OK.

DonnaB said...

How exciting...will you share your lessons with us? I hope so. The garden pictures are lovely!

savvycityfarmer said...

I can't think of anyone more qualified to speak to women!!!

God will speak through you, I just know!

Maggie Ann said...

The ladies will be blessed to hear you speak, I'm sure. How exciting! =)...and are those real lemons on that tree??? wow!