January 29, 2008

Snippets of this and that...

We have had so much rain in the past week. We have needed it badly here in California, so I am grateful for it! We the skies look formidable, I look to the comfort aspects of home. I needed some more storage for the master bath, so I thought of this little idea...an old suitcase! I purchased it years ago at a thrift shop and the stand was bought at a yard sale...the whole look cost me a mere $5.00! Since this picture was taken...the perfumes are on the vanity, and the bath towels along with the washcloths now fill this space. I continue to pare down and simplify were I can. This can be rather difficult when you have a hubby who wants to keep everything!!! He has said that THIS Spring, the garage gets the de-clutter treatment...I for one cannot wait for this!!!
The new college semester has started, so the kids are once again focused on their studies. With the house being so quiet I lose myself in creative thoughts and find myself doing quite alot more writing these days! Being very purposeful in writing down ideas, snippets of information or pearls of wisdom that come my way.
The laundry is being taken care of, the bill paying done and the organizer all updated. Dinner is waiting to be cooked....Blackened Salmon, Basmati Rice with Veggies and a Salad. My candles are lit in the rooms downstairs, as I once again feel the urge to create and putter about. Have a lovely evening...blessings to you and yours always.


Susan P. said...

Oh Mindy, don't you just love with it when you are able to let your creativity flow?!! I found out that this is something I had unknowingly "squelched" when I was raising my children, but now it is coming out full force and I love it:o)

Anonymous said...

Hi sweet Mindy,
Boy have we had rain, huh?
Supposedly we have a break until Saturday evening and then it's supposed to rain through Sunday.
I haven't been feeling real well so I am taking it easy today and just going to putter very slowly...
Have a blessed day!

Maggie Ann said...

You cultivate contentment...I like that! =) Home Sweet Home...its up to us isn't it. I'm sick with a virus and not housekeeping today. I'm feeling a lot better than I did yesterday, thats for sure. Stay well!

DonnaB said...

You let us know about all these creative ideas...I need some inspiration...I'm in the winter doldrums here in MO! ;-)

Farmgirl Cyn said...

I have been puttering around with some water colors and acrylics this winter. Never having painted before, my stuff looks more like my grandson painted it...but I just tell folks I planned it this way. I call it primitive/folk! I figure....I have a new DNA since I became a believer nearly 30 years ago. And my new daddy, Father God, is a creator. So I must be too!!!