April 23, 2006

Sunday musings...

This is where I will be spending some of my day, just relaxing and enjoying my time. I plan on doing a little weeding. After the rains we have had does the yard ever need it. Hubby is working today, so this is the perfect time for me to just putter till my hearts content. I may have our youngest son grill some chicken for dinner and just spend the day with my kids...already had my morning tea and now its time to get going for the day. I take my time on Sundays not alot of rushing around for me...my time to get focused and re-centered and spend more time reading my bible, getting my clarity and strength and get direction in life. Yesterday I spent some time with my sister and her friend..its was a beautiful day. But all is well here in my little peaceful corner, been very introspective this past week, God is doing a work in me and at times I want to run and fight it, only to again realize, thisis not the way, just yield to the purging process and let Him have his perfect will. Sounds simple but as human beings we all want to do it our way, use our own understanding, and want a quick fix on most things....but this is not the case with God, so in spite of this transition in my life...my eyes are fixed on Him and i'm at peace!!! May your day be restful and full of wonderful surprises at every turn, may you find a peaceful corner in which you can replenish yourself...enjoy your day...


Saija said...

what a restful spot ... love it!

Maggie Ann said...

Your post reflects your tranquil spirit...how nice to read.