November 19, 2007

Monday's happenings....

Settling in for the afternoon, after a very busy morning. After prayer at church, I was off to the market to get the last few items needed for our Thanksgiving feast.

We are actually having 2 dinners! One of Thursday at my Mom's house with my siblings and their family members, then another on Friday, that our kids are going to cook!!

I bought 2 turkeys to deep fry..Hubby gets to do that job!!

Amie our daughter has planned a menu for Friday which sounds wonderful, and best of all...the kids are all pitching in to help!!

As I write this, it is quiet throughout the house....just the sweet music playing in the background soothing my soul. Made a pot of coffee to which, I poured a cup along with some peppermint mocha creamer....delicious....and just relaxing. I made a pot of chicken soup and added some left over veggies, chicken, rice and later some noodles. Stephen (our son) made some fresh bread in the bread maker, so it smells quite good here!

I blessed the home as I do every Monday, put the house in order, which it badly needed, and now I sit to collect my thoughts.

To each of you a huge thank you for your prayers and encouragement over the past few weeks. What a huge support you all have been!!! It has been hard, but with prayer and perseverance we move ahead, for God is with us. Thank you again~

Are any of you planning on going to the after Thanksgiving sales? We may take a drive to the Military Base near us and check out the sales...but I don't think I'll be getting up at 3am to stand in line!!! Do you have any special family traditions you would like to share? Feel free to do so, as I would love to hear about them!!

Have a peaceful evening...blessings always.

Thou hast given so much to me, Give one thing more, - a grateful heart;Not thankful when it pleaseth me, As if Thy blessings had spare days, But such a heart whose pulse may be Thy praise.~George Herbert


DonnaB said...

Two Thanksgiving fun. One of our traditions is to watch either It's a Wonderful Life or Miracle on 34th street. As to shopping on Black way. We stay home!

Anonymous said...

Just wanted to come by and wish you a very Happy and Blessed Thanksgiving!
Thinking of you today Ü

Adrienne said...

I love the quote. I put it on my blog this morning and then my dear little mother told me it has been written in the back of her Bible for many years. I do want to always have a grateful heart! ~Adrienne~