July 15, 2006

~learning and transition~

As I'm writing this, its 102 degrees outside! They say that its may be 110 today! I'm praying for ocean breezes ( we live inland 30 miles from the ocean)!! The heat is on for this Summer. I wake early to get my routines for the day done before the temperature rises, so the home is is order by noon.
I did a little grocery shopping this morning and it actually felt good to get out and about early.
Our son just stopped by for a few minutes to give his younger brother a gift...that was so nice of him. They were on there way to a birthday party and our grandson was in his car seat asleep. I went outside and took a peek at him as he was sleeping....he looked so peaceful and cool in the air-conditioned car.
I'm learning how to be a mother of a grown married son, mother-in-law, and a grandma. ALot of heartache has taken place over the last few months, i've tried and tried but at times it seems as if I'm misunderstood, and not heard. I try to speak words of wisdom, but i'm uncertain if they are received in the spirit in which they are intended. I have wisdom to share and to impart ,and i'm learning to bite my tongue at times, its hard to see and not to say anything, to know and perceive and keep it to myself. I've said some things that I shouldn't have said...felt the conviction of the Holy Spirit a few weeks ago, called and made the apology. Try to mentor and guide as best as I can....learning and transition...what a pair!! God knows my heart in this matter and He will give me the continued wisdom, endurance, and strength to move forward in teaching these young women in my family.
Wishing you all a Happy Saturday!!!
Blessings one and all.....
"Wisdom is sweet to your soul; if you find it, there is a future hope for you, and your hope will not be cut off."
Proverbs 24:14


Pear tree cottage! said...

Mindy I have been reading your blog with the delight of a new friend!

I understand the wisdom we the new grandmothers of the world have and are so very willing to give but at times it is misunderstood.

I too have often said nothing for fear of being too over bearing and knowing.

we walk the same path being grandmothers you and I and we hold in our hearts so much love for our dear ones and it grows stronger all the days of our lives.

I will be back to visit your lovely blog again, I enjoyed very much your posts.

best wishes to you from a very cold Australia

Unknown said...

wow that is HOT. I would just melt for sure. I get upset when it's 90 LOL. I cannot even imagine temps like that.

Maggie Ann said...

Mindy, I know what you mean...I hold my tongue on visits when I'm itching to say something. 102 degrees...wow, I and I thought it was hot here! Hope it cools off soon for you and for us. Thats such a pretty picture you posted...

Anonymous said...

Dear Mindy, I truly believe it is more difficult, generally, to be a mother-in-law to a young woman than to a young man. I know there are exceptions. I don't have a son, but have 2 amazing sons-in-law. But even with my daughters, I try very hard to wait until my advice is sought before giving it. My mother did this with me and I appreciated it. Our parenting styles were very different but my daughters grew into amazing women who both have children of their own now.

DonnaB said...

Mindy, as a young married lady I was so insecure in my job as a wife that I took it as an insult when my mother-in-law made a suggestion on anything! It was certainly a situation of cutting off my nose to spite my face. But in time I let go of my pride and admitted I didn't know everything and learned what a great resource my mother-in-law truly is. Just be patient and one of these days they'll actually be calling and asking for advice. Just encourage when you can, offer to babysit, and send little notes to your son and his wife telling them how proud you are of both of them!

savvycityfarmer said...

Sounds like you are growing in the Lord.

You are learning very valuable lessons that we will all have to learn someday.

We all need each other as prayer partners.

God promises to bless.

Ramblins of a middle-aged goddess said...

Mindy, I have been a grandmother now for over 17 years and a mother in law for that long also. I found out right away that the best way to do things was to keep my mouth...SHUT...like many have said here before me that in time you will be ASKED for advice and then once asked you can give your advice. Sometimes I have found that even when giving advice, your own children really never appreciate it. You have to just go at it easily and do what you see fit and by all means pray. We as mothers and grandmothers just have to BE THERE when needed and try to stay out of things until then. I completely understand....