Taking a deep breath~
After this past week..I feel as if I'm able to breath again. I had been so very tired and fatigued, but the fatigued started to lesson yesterday. Thank goodness, I was so praying that this too would pass and Bless God it did!
Woke this morning and made sure all the back and side yards were watered sufficiently, as we are experiencing one of our famous "heatwaves"!! Yesterday it was over 100 degrees in some areas...yuck!!! With the watering done I was able to sit and enjoy my morning coffee on the back patio and watch the birds go from feeder to feeder and tree to tree....What a delight that was!
Did up a load of clothes earlier also...And will put them away shortly. I finally turned on the A/C too...It was just too hot not to.
Went to Target this morning after the chores were done and purchased some new fans for the hallway upstairs and a new one for the family room...Nice to feel that cool air moving and circulating in the room! I found some Tea Tree Oil there also...Melissa had posted this idea at Brocante home forums, she uses this for cleaning and disinfecting, and I thought this was a great idea, so I came home and filled the basin of my kitchen sink and went to wiping down the countertops. It does have a clean fresh scent, but not piney at all...just an invigorating fragrant scent! thanks Melissa for the wonderful tip!!
Its a lazy Summer day here even though Summer doesn't officially start until June 21st...You couldn't tell me otherwise today. My son and his girlfriend just came home with some frozen yogurt for everyone...what a deliciously cool treat for later this evening! Its left overs for dinner tonight..thank goodness cause its just to hot to cook!!!
I'm listening to a new CD I purchased at my last visit to Barnes&Noble...its the soundtrack for the motion picture "Pride & Prejudice"...the new one not the one with Colin Firth as Mr. Darcy. The music is peaceful and oh so lovely...I have enjoyed listening as a type this today, it cause me to be inspired and gets the creative juices flowing. Also, I ordered the "Jane Austen Companion" which is music for that time period...I had heard snippets of the music and decided it was a must have.
We had women's prayer last night and it was just amazing, the way God always shows up and shows Himself so strong in our lives. Prayer is such an intimate time with the Lord. Time to put aside our own agendas and stand in the gap for others who have dire needs, who are hurting and alone. I always leave filled up and encouraged to continue the race, and attempt to be a blessing to those around me. I'm not perfect and I have missed the mark many times, but the Lord knows my heart, as He does with everyone...He knows the heart, the thoughts, and motives of each one. As I was driving home last night after prayer, I was bombarded with thoughts from the past and fear tried to grip me again....before I went down that old road again, I spoke these words out loud "I have the mind of Christ and hold the thoughts, feelings and purposes of His heart, and I take these thoughts captive and cast them down, in Jesus' name". No sooner than I finished speaking the word of God, I felt such a peace come upon me and my mind was quieted once more. I just thank the Lord today for His word and His promises, for they are for us now..today...and always.....all for the asking...just ask..He is waiting to hear from you.
I have that movie version of P and P - and I like it a lot! I'm not really fussed on Colin Firth as Mr Darcy, and this Matthew McFadyen did a great job I thought :) And the music IS lovely isn't it?
Hope you have a blessed weekend :)
Thank you, Mindy, for your lovely comments on my blog. This is the first time I have visited your site, and I've found it so refreshing. I love your photos - are they taken in your home?
I hope you get some cool weather soon and that you have a lovely weekend. I'll be back to visit again soon.
I have that same cd and it makes me smile. I didn't realize you hadn't been feeling well but am glad that He's allowed it to pass. Have a good weekend.
Your morning out in the garden sounds lovely. We have been getting very hot temperatures here too!
I haven't seen the new Pride and Prejudice movie but I can't wait! I will have to keep an eye out for the music CD. :0)
Thank you for sharing about your day!
Hope you are having a nice weekend and its not too hot. Love visiting and seeing what new things you have been up to or thinking.
Thank God for His grace and mercy! And we must be ever mindful of our enemy, who comes to steal the Word that has been freshly sown in our hearts. We put on that whole armor of God, and WE WILL BE VICTORIOUS!
Sounds like you are much hotter than we are, here in the midwest. Our days are a comin tho. We do manage a few in the upper 90's! The trade off is your incredible year round weather! Oh to be able to garden nearly year round!!!
Nearly a hundred wow that's hot. I'm glad your happy again and know that Jesus truly does love you.
Good Day to you...I am ever grateful for the peace of
God that passes all understanding.
Sometimes in the night when I toss
and turn ,quoting this verse is what soothes me back to sleep.
I am so glad to have met your blog corner.
Feels like a new friend.
glad to hear you are better ... i find the heat makes me wilt ... good thing we don't have too many days like that here in our part of Canada ...
love the pic you posted ...
and the mention of frozen yogurt, makes me want some too!!! i'll settle for an activa type one instead ... blessings to you!
One hundred degrees...I would be not be outdoors but hiding inside with the air conditioning humming away. I've been meaning to look for Tea Tree oil and keep forgetting. Mellissa had told me about that a while back...what a lousy memory I have for everyday things =)! Your music sounds lovely...and your prayer meeting such a powerful blessing.
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