This picture was taken a few days ago after I made this Sunflower wreath. Quite simple to make and cost less than 10.00 for all of it!! I am going to hang this on my side yard gate that faces the street. When neighbors pass by either walking or driving, they are greeted with this happy little wreath. We have 2 of these old chairs...they were left here by the previous owners, so I just painted them with Metal spray paint and now they have new lease on life!! Adds some punch to the corner of the yard. I love to do these little projects that make our home a little more cozy and decorative. Something so simple and cost effective can really add to the appearance of the home.
"Its the simple things than make living worthwhile, The sweet fundamental things such as love and duty, work, rest, and living close to nature." ~Laura Ingalls Wilder~
wow you're so creative!
My mother-in-law and a friend of mine have the same chairs, only painted red. The green is great. They are so comfortable!
Oh! Love the chairs and the wreath! And it's always so great to meet a kindred spirit who loves to make the most of simple pleasures and add to the beauty of her home--realizing it's often the little things which are actually big things in life... Blessings, Debra
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