June 01, 2006

blissful day~~~

Been a very busy day so far. After taking Ds to work early this morning, I came home and put some Impatiens in the flower beds in the front yard, and clipped some roses for fresh bouquets for the family and living rooms, tidied the front porch and swept it off, then it was on to arranging those roses in vases and taking the spent roses and tossing them into my potpourri bowl. i will use this potpourri in my attempt to make homemade Christmas ornaments this year...I have various roses that have dryed so prettily that i was able to arrange them in a Milk glass vase and put that into the china cabinet in the dining room. The area looks freshened just by that little arrangement. Its been very warm here the last few days, but i'm holding out on turning on the air conditioner...have the ceiling fans going so actually its very pleasant in the house right now. I need to vacuum the dining room area and dust a little. I have paid some bills this morning and did some phone banking, those little mundane tasks that must be done..no sense in procrastinating, just get it done and move to the next order of business for the day.
Dinner tonight will be Jambalaya
Tossed green salad
Fresh Strawberries....
I'm trying not to heat up the kitchen with turning on the oven...on our grill we have a side burner, and that is such a blessing to have that feature!!!
It is a quiet day here, and i'm so enjoying it!! Taking my time doing my chores for the day, and just very thankful that I have a home to keep, food to prepare, and a family to nurture and bless and knowing the Lord who is the author and finisher of my faith...... That to me is true bliss!!

The definition of Bliss ~
orig. blithesomeness; gladness; now, the highest degree of happiness; blessedness; exalted felicity; heavenly joy.
"If you surrender completely to the moments as they pass, you live more richly those moments."~~ Anne Morrow Lindbergh~~


DonnaB said...

I love quiet days at home too! Thanks for sharing with us. I hope the rest of your day is full of bliss.

Anonymous said...

A blissful day of living in the moment! Sounds heavenly Mindy - enjoy the rest of your day :)

Amy said...

I've never tried Jambalaya, it's just not something that's made here although it sounds yummy!

Peggy said...

sounds like you have had a perfect day! I always feel relaxed when visiting you and can almost smell your roses from here!

sparrow's song said...

I came home and put some Impatiens in the flower beds in the front yard

Impatiens are my favorite flower next to the tulip. I have three in the house and am afraid to plant them outside because of the sun. They don't do well in direct sun, as I found out. Is your garden shaded?

"...and just very thankful that I have a home to keep"

Contentment is a choice of wisdom. It's fruit is peace.

Ramblins of a middle-aged goddess said...

Mindy....I wish that I were at home!! I have been in Illinois helping my parents move to Arizona. They are off and heading that way now but I have to wait until my plane leaves on the 6th. I have not had internet access until today so am trying to read all of my favorite blogs. Nice to read about you again. You seem to be very happy and relaxed. I am so missing my home and especially my husband. take care