I just love the picture...feels like your sitting right there among the trees as the shadows are cast upon you...just beautiful! Been taking it slow and easy this grandson seems to be feeling better today and is sleeping much better too, but now I think whatever he has he gave the gift to grandma..LOL...been sipping some herbal tea, and just resting when I can. Slept a little longer than my normal 430-5 am wake up time..slept till 6am. I just really enjoy raising when its still dark outside, and the house is still, and moving at a slower pace to start the morning off. I don't do well with rushing about, the world is to centered on rushing, so I make sure the I plan ahead as much as possible, and then let the day unfold as it may. Its a beautiful spring day here, the temperature is supposed to reach 90 today!! Been using the ceiling fans throughout the house, and i'm enjoying this lovely weather. Get me motivated to start of my laundry room re-do. But until I have a little more energy and whatever this bug is passes, i'm using wisdom and resting. I have many ideas for decorating running around in my head, and have taken to writing them down in a journal especially for this alone, its surprising how fast it fills up! I 'm thinking of painting the laundry rooms walls a soft blue and using vintage ticking material to create a valance to run across from once side to the other, my laundry room is in the garage, or painting a dark green, not sure yet....its rather dark in that little corner and i'm afraid that the green may make it worse, but I could use crisp white shelves to contrast it too....decisions, and i'm also using what I have, not going to purchase anything new...other than yard sales this shall be interesting!!! Will keep you posted on how its coming along...have a wonderful day..take time for you, sit and have a cup of tea and put on some relaxing music and take a deep breath to get recharged! Right now i'm listening to Handel's Water lovely. Blessings one and all...xo
hope you are feeling well soon. Love the ideal of the blue and ticking for your laundry room! I hung a old washboard and some vintage peg bags on my laundry walls but am ready for a redo.
Makes me feel like summertime just to read your post!
just came across your blog by way of sweetpea. i saw this picture and literally breathed a sigh of relaxation upon first sight of it. it does look very peaceful and welcoming. i could spend hours reading and writing in a place like that.
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