May 25, 2006

my sanctuary~

This is the master bedrrom, my haven and sancuary. The side table on the left is mine and we purchased it in Texas for 15.00 about 8 years ago when visiting my in-laws. The vintage linen topper was a yard sale find from a few months ago. The lamp was one purchased alst weekend for 2.00! The little vase holding the crepe paper flowers, was my grandmothers. The black and white photo in the little nook in me when I was a baby..the hatbox, vintage perfume bottles, hankies and doilies were all yard sale finds.
I truly believe that it doesn't have to cost a small fortune to furnish your home and make it the way you want it to be. I have used what I already have for years long before it was "trendy" to do so, only because I didn't have a choice. I had to be creative due to limited funds and my husband being in the I make a choice to be wise with the provision the Lord has blessed us with. I check out thrift shops and yard sales, and it always amazes me what I find. When I feel that my home needs some sprucing up, I move some items around and edit some accessories, or add a vase of fresh flowers and it seems to bring the room back to life again. Those simple things we can do do make our house a home, of course people make the home and not things...things add to the home, making it comfortable, beautiful,restful and nurturing in the world we live in today. We as women set the mood for our homes... we are the barometer. Sometimes we must slow down, and breathe, take smaller steps and prioritize our day, this will add to the peace in our homes, and make us feel better too in the long run. Hoping you take the time to nuture yourself this day and create a peaceful place for you and yours..blessings one and all..xo

Have nothing in your houses that you do not know to be useful or believe to be beautiful. ~William Morris


Terri said...

Such a beautiful, peaceful room, Mindy! Thank you for sharing! Your post is very encouraging. I have lately resolved not to buy anything new for our home - to either use what I have in new ways or, if I do need something, to find it in a yard sale.

DonnaB said...

How pretty! You and I share the same decorating philosophy!

Amy said...

I really like the quilt on your bed! Did you make it yourself?

Mindy said...

Hi Amy, I didn't make the quilt on the bed...I purchased it at Ross which is a discount store here in the US. The quilt folded at the foot of the bed was also purchased at Ross...
Thanks for the kind comments ladies!! Have a wonderful day..xo

Anonymous said...

Thank you for this post Mindy - it's just what I needed to hear today :)
Your bedroom is lovely, very restful, and I like the quilt too!

TJ said...

Thanks for sharing your sactuary with us. I would rather see this than any luxurious glamorous home decorator magazine any time.
Have a great day :-D

melissa said...

Your bedcovers are just wonderful...and I agree with what's been said before! So pretty. Aren't you glad to have a husband who will let you girly up your bedroom? ;)

We have a waterbed and it's just not the same as a *real* bed like yours. Comfortable, yes, but old-fashioned, it's not!

Peggy said...

what a beautiful room! You have made it truly a haven!

Kelli said...

What a beautiful room!! It looks like the perfect spot to cozy up for a nap. :0)

I really like the wreath above the bed. I may have to "borrow" this idea!

Great job!

Tracy said...

Mindy, your bedroom looks so cozy & peaceful. What a lovely retreat! Thanks for sharing the photos. :)