May 31, 2006

Gratitude and a beautiful friend~

I woke this morning to a glorious sunrise. No clouds and clear as a bell! It was quite cool but whenthe sun started creeping up into the sky it warmed quickly. After taking dear son to work, I started on the tasks for the day...shampooing my family room carpet...just got finished and the carpet is drying now. Have all the windows thrown open to allow the fresh air in as well as that sunshine! I went to open a window this morning and on the sill sat the cutest little frog...very tiny about 2 inches across!! I'm not certain how my little friend got into the house, but I wanted to get it outside so our cat didn't think it was his new toy! I grabbed a tupperware container and scooped him up and set him outside the door in the flower bed...he hopped off, safe and happy i'm certain!
Now on to the reason i've entitled my post "gratitude". My best friend was really going through a very tough time this past weekend... obstacles just seemed to becoming at her all at once with no let up...we have all have this one time or another, relentless attacks it seems. I encouraged her throughout the day and told her what I believe the Lord was impressing upon me at those moments on the phone with her. I continued on with dinner preparations and the evening routine. When all the tasks of the day were done, I sat down to check my email and there was an email from my best friend...I opened it up and started to read it and after reading through the first few sentences the tears freely began to one point I actually had my face buried in my hands...this letter was so touching, so moving and so divinely inspired I could do nothing other than cry. I think of how God brought us together years ago and how we raised our kids together and vacationed together, and how we have grown to be the women God has created us to be, and still growing...together. We have been through some very tough times, she was there when my father passed away...a source of strength in every sense of the word and when my husband and I were having serious problesm...she was there also. She has tought me so much...given me the gift of acceptance of who I am, and striving to be a better person. She has affirmed me, consoled me, and loved me for me! We attended the same church for a season in our walk together, such a learning experience. We have prayed much, and continue to stand on the word of God in every area of our lives. She has inspired me to strive for excellence on my journey in life, compelled me and spoke the tough things when needed as well. The balance that encompasses our relationship in God ordained, for before God we made a covenant years ago to stand with each other and to bless one another and our loved ones and to walk with God. We have seen God honor this relationship time and time again. My husband works with her husband and now our son has received the blessing as well, as he is working for the same company! I am so grateful that this women is in my life....and this is a small excerpt from that email, I challenge you to read this and not shed a tear...for i'm certain that everyone of us has that special friend that God has given you and I pray that you hear the love and gratitude from one friend to another~"You are far more than jus' someone watching out for me; you are a God-given guardian. Ever watchful;ever faithful; ever loyal; ever true. I am blessed and rich beyond measure--because you are my covenant partner. Thank you for helping me today; thank you for reminding me what i need to do and not do. You are mother, sister, friend, mentor, partner.....May God continue to richly bless you, grant you all the desires of your heart and give you peace and joy that is beyond any definition know to to you"...My heart is full after reading this again....I am humbled beyond measure knowing full well that this is nothing but the hand of God on our lives! I am so grateful to the Lord for giving me such a beautiful person to walk with on this journey of life. Thank you my dear friend for loving me as you have... My family is blessed for having known you and your family! We walk together..through joy and sorrows, what ever comes our way for God is truly with us. May each of you hear what is one my heart and call out to those special people in your them, encourage them, and hold there hands up when they cannot do this on their own. Blessings to you on this day...xo "A man of many companions may come to ruin, but there is a friend who sticks closer than a brother"~ Proverbs 18:24

"A sensible thanksgiving for mercies received is a mighty prayer in the Spirit of God. It prevails with Him unspeakably"~ John Bunyan


Amy said...

Your friend sounds like a gem - I'm glad you encouraged her and were there for her.

melissa said...

A friendship like yours is a rarity. You're so fortunate to have one another.

Cherish it!!!

Anonymous said...

That's lovely Mindy. You are very blessed to have a beautiful friendship like that.

Hugs xxx

Anonymous said...

From her email to you, your friend seems a great encourager to you and loves you dearly. I think it is amazing how God surrounds us with others that will walk along side us through life and knows the sorts of friends we need to walk together in all the good and bad times.