December 15, 2009

almost Christmas....

Taking a break from puttering around the house to say hello again! So much has been happening! Hubby and I are done with school now...finishing up on the last of our homework and getting ready to take the final..after the Christmas Holiday.

We have attended a few Christmas parties this season...the first, Hubby's company party! It was fun to go with our son and daughter-in-law...he works for the company too! Our dear friends were there we had a great time. The second was this past Friday night...given by one of the ladies at our church, she wanted to bless everyone so she planned a party! I was one of the coordinators..planned the flower arrangements and decorations! It was such a lovely evening!! I am posting the photo of the two of us....

This Christmas season has been lean for many of us...including me. We are purchasing basics for our grown children and just buying needed items for our 4 year old grandson. We will have another addition to our family...Our son and daughter-in-law are expecting their second child...its a girl!!! We are are thrilled!!

I have seen how faithful the Lord is to us in these uncertain times. The media sends out such fear across the airwaves...causing so many to be just riddles with anxiety and panic....but with God...we can be certain ...He is the Surety...He is our Security and Provision!! We can be certain that He will and does take care of His people!! I know that this past year we wouldn't have made except the Lord provided!!!

While many of us are getting back to the basics...I truly believe that this is where God wants us to be....remembering and helping those in need..look beyond ourselves...find someone to bless. The basics of our faith in Him. Trusting in Him with our whole heart and not lean to our own understanding with the circumstances and situations we are facing....God is on the Throne and He is taking care of His people!! What a gift...God making a way where there doesn't seem to be a way!!

Times of quiet contemplation are awaiting us...He is calling to you, whispering to your heart, waiting to reveal to you His plan and purpose for the coming year. Take a break from the running and going...the hurriedness that pushes in on us so much this time of year....and Listen to the still small voice and God whispers to your heart.

Blessings to you and yours this most Joyous Christmas Season!!

1 comment:

melissa said...

Likely you won't believe this, but you popped up in my mind just yesterday, and I was wondering what you were up to. What a treat to see an update, and baby news. Congratulations!

And so much fun to see your face again. Thanks for that too. :) You take care...and don't be such a stranger.