July 10, 2007

Tuesday at Home~

It is rather a humid day today, with the distinct possiblility of a stray thundershower here and there! We are in so much need of rain here in Southern California!

I have been away from blogging for a few days to take a break and focus on the tasks here at home.Some changes have happened to the blog as you can see! That is me, "Lil Mindy" in the photo about 3-4 years of age. I have always loved this picture!!!

My weekly focus is on the kitchen as I follow Flylady's routines. I have tweaked things in the routines to fit our family, and it works wonderfully! Sometimes it is rather hard to get motivated, such as it is today!! Seems like a lazy day, but this too shall pass....with much laundry and puttering to do I will keep this short. May your day be filled with the peaceful presence of our Lord. Till tomorrow...blessings always.


Amy said...

Yes I've followed flylady's routines too, they help tremendously. btw I love how it looks in here :-)

Farmgirl Cyn said...

Love the new look of Peaceful Corner. We, too, are in need of rain. Perhaps tonight?

Kelli said...

Mindy, your new look is beautiful and I LOVE your new header, what a cutie!!
Have a wonderful week!

Anonymous said...

I love FLYlady. Her system does help, though I must sheepishly admit I never made it all the way. I'm gla d you love your new look and hope you get some rain. :)