July 28, 2007

A Birthday Weekend!

It is a very special weekend! Today is our oldest son Ryan's birthday! He is 26 years old...hard for me to believe! They grow up so fast!! Now he has a little boy of his own and that would be Nicholas...and his 2nd birthday is tomorrow! But today...we celebrate both of their birthday's at the local park!! The first picture shown is taken at the hospital shortly after Nicholas Elijah was born, with his daddy holding him....the next photo sows Ryan and Nicholas on Christmas day cuddling...love that picture...and lastly Nicholas posing for his picture!! Happy Birthday to our dear son...we are so proud of you and the man you have become!! Happy birthday dear Nicholas...you are a joy to every life you have touched! God bless you both always!!!!


DonnaB said...

Now those are two blessings indeed!

CONNIE W said...

You have every right to be proud. What a lovely family.

TO BECOME said...

I would like to wish both your Son and your Grandson very HAPPY BIRTHDAY. I know you are very proud of them both. Have a wonderful week as you thank God for His great blessings in your life. connie from Texas

Maggie Ann said...

Happy Birthday wishs coming along from me too! How wonderful is a loving family...just precious.